Rana Good is the founder of Naïra NYC. A writer for publications such as Forbes, Travel + Leisure, Coveteur, Mens Journal and others, she created her own platform celebrating women of color.
[Disclaimer: We partnered with ZBiotics to bring you this post. All opinions are our own and are not influenced by ZBiotics. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this website.]
It’s the holiday season which means lots of champagne and cocktails, and inevitably waking up the next day feeling worse than usual. Many of us have lost days (if not more) of our lives following a night of drinking, laying on the couch regretting our choices from the night before. In fact, a 2022 study showed that alcohol use can be attributed to 232 million missed work days in the United States. The good news is, it does not need to be this way!
By simply drinking one small ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol you can forgo many of the negative symptoms that come with drinking alcohol. You can land on your feet the next day and don’t have to cancel any previously made plans.
ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol is a probiotic drink that breaks down the nasty toxin which makes us feel bad after drinking. That ingredient is acetaldehyde and as we drink it builds up in our gut and liver. Our liver can easily break down acetaldehyde, however our gut cannot. ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol acts like your liver but in your gut, breaking down acetaldehyde with a specially engineered probiotic. Bacillus subtilis ZB183™ has been engineered to produce the same type of enzyme our liver would to help digest acetaldehyde. A team of PhD scientists invented it which explains why it’s so effective. It’s not the first drink that promises to negate the effects of alcohol consumption but it’s the most scientific one to date.
I celebrated a big birthday in the south of France this year, and I wanted to ensure that myself and my friends would not be worse for wear the following day. We only had one long weekend together and a boat trip the day after my celebrations — we all know that hangovers and boat trips do not go well together.
I put a bottle of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol in everyone’s welcome bag and encouraged them to drink it before we hit up the first event of the day — a beach party where the champagne would be flowing fairly endlessly. The key to ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol is that you have to drink it before your first alcoholic beverage, so if you purchase it, make sure to get your timing right. The bottle is small and sturdy, so you could easily bring it with you and drink it like a shot, except that this shot is actually good for you.
The beach party turned into a dinner with lots of wine followed by a nightclub and after countless drinks, this could have easily been a next day spent in bed situation. To my surprise, myself and my friends all felt sensational the next day. While we were a little less energized than the day before since we had such a busy schedule, none of us felt the typical symptoms of next day misery. We had another full day of fun and were even able to drink again, which is somewhat of a miracle if you saw how many drinks we had the day before.
Since then, I’ve used ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol during weddings and other big celebrations and had the same experience. It works so well that my friends have even asked me to spare them a bottle after seeing how happy and healthy I was the next day. I plan to have ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol before any big celebration because I no longer want to miss out on anything after having a few drinks.
ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Where to Buy
ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol is available on their website ZBiotics.com. It’s also available on Amazon if you need a delivery quickly, for example when you get invited to a party the next day and know the drinks will be flowing. A few cocktails can really derail our schedule and plans but with this easy to use, handy product, you’ll feel fresh instead of depressed when you wake up.
Have you tried ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol? Let me know what your experience was like in the comments.